
Spring is on the tips of our fingers and I CAN NOT WAIT. While patiently waiting for spring in Pittsburgh I’ve been doing house cleaning of the digital variety. Digging through files I found these photograms. I think they were from a college design basics class.


I love them – their moody and watery feel are like my mind during this time of year. I’m in-between seasons and running on the fumes of last year’s summer memories. Spring can not get here fast enough.

Ohm CD Packaging


Ohm, the early gurus of electronic music CD Packaging

Combining body and electric these musicians created electronic music. This packaging included magnets which could be stuck on stereo speakers to crete music inspired by these electronic gurus. Dancing bodies and electronic musical instrument were combined in small sets, then photographed. The result are haunting images that compliment the hollow and vibrant musical pieces. Limited Edition.
