Fall Prisms

It’s hard to say what causes inspiration. The sudden temperature change in pittsburgh made me cold and cranky so a few nights ago I carved a block with a prism on it. I find that flattening the 3-dimensional has become a recent trend – I debated what to print first and after a lot of humming and hawing landed on notecards. The inicial prints were not faceted enough for my tastes so after a bit of playing I doubled the print and started painting them…

I really love how the watercolors overlap and lend themselves to layering colors without getting muddy. Love love loving the result – going to try printing some fabric next – any suggestions on fabric paint that plays nicely like watercolor?

The above cards are available for purchase in my etsy shop!

Building a home

Recently one of my friends got engaged after waiting for a [really] long time. I was so excited for them and since they are such close friends I wanted to make them a little something to celebrate.

I borrowed the idea from sayyestohoboken.com (a ridiculously great blog for crafting and life inspiration). I changed around the design a bit and monogrammed their names. Since a vase without flowers is a bit of an awkward gift I made pom-pom flowers to go with. I think it turned out pretty fantastic. For those who are not so craft-inclined you can purchase one of these from my etsy shop