

Hapn.at is an APP that provides a users with a personalized event list based on events their friend’s are going to, created and like. Essentially never miss another event you never knew about.

This APP was created during Steel City Codefest, a 24-hour “hackathon” held at Google’s Bakery Square Office. During said “hack” teams created civically minded APPs. Hapn.at was created with the help of some friends Geis, Shoff, Brent, Rob and Jake (check these guys out – they are all awesome!). My role within the team was that of User Experience and Visual designer – I created light user journeys, built wireframes and then skinned those frames with simple design elements. There was a bit of “logo” design and “branding” mixed in there too – bu the focus was getting the main screens completed. During codefest our team was on fire – I think we were all nervous that we wouldn’t complete our APP within the time constraint. It was truly amazing how far this APP came in just 24 hours. We love our APP so much we are continuing our development on it so it can become even more awesome and usable.

Check it out : hapn.at

I thought I’d include some of my process for this project, my sketches, chicken-scratch and all.


Building a home

Recently one of my friends got engaged after waiting for a [really] long time. I was so excited for them and since they are such close friends I wanted to make them a little something to celebrate.

I borrowed the idea from sayyestohoboken.com (a ridiculously great blog for crafting and life inspiration). I changed around the design a bit and monogrammed their names. Since a vase without flowers is a bit of an awkward gift I made pom-pom flowers to go with. I think it turned out pretty fantastic. For those who are not so craft-inclined you can purchase one of these from my etsy shop